Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
Champlain Valley Educational
Account Clerk/ Typist
RANGE: $61,226 - $84,185
Cohoes City School District
Senior Account Clerk Typist
RANGE: $47,737 - $60,326
Clerk Typist
RANGE: $42,970 - $54,465
School District of Lee County
Clerk Typist
RANGE: $48,910 - $59,430
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Oregon
RANGE: $45,060 - $57,115
Appalachian Regional Healthcare, Inc.
Clerk Typist
RANGE: $38,309 - $48,495
Beechwood IT Solutions Inc
Clerk Typist
RANGE: $48,752 - $61,794
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Explore JobArchitectBelow are the most recent Account Clerk Typist salary reports. Employer name has been removed to protect anonymity.