Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
Nashville Acquisition, LLC
Auto Technician Instructor - Adjunct
RANGE: $83,156 - $149,211
Ivy Tech Community College
Auto Tech Instructor
RANGE: $61,199 - $109,830
Canyon Owyhee School Service Agency
Auto/Diesel Instructor
RANGE: $54,720 - $99,025
Ancora Education
Auto Systems Technology Instructor
RANGE: $88,208 - $162,159
Black Hawk College of Moline
Adjunct Faculty - Auto Mechanics Instructor
RANGE: $54,849 - $102,566
Black Hawk College
RANGE: $54,732 - $102,347
Team Georgia Careers
Adj. Instructor Auto Collision Repair
RANGE: $58,934 - $114,180
Georgia state government
Adj. Instructor Auto Collision Repair
RANGE: $58,934 - $114,180
HCC Careers
Instructor Auto Body Technology - Adjunct Pool
RANGE: $66,942 - $130,784
Greater Lawrence Technical School
SY 2025-2026 Auto Collision and Repair Instructor
RANGE: $85,158 - $148,746
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Explore JobArchitectBelow are the most recent Auto Instructor salary reports. Employer name has been removed to protect anonymity.