Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
University of Arkansas
Faculty/Clinical Coordinator
RANGE: $45,362 - $59,425
AWSOM200 Alice L. Walton School of Medicine
Assistant Director for Clinical Faculty Development
RANGE: $41,361 - $51,420
NorthWest Arkansas Community College
RANGE: $60,542 - $99,696
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.
Assistant Director for Clinical Faculty Development
RANGE: $52,702 - $96,140
Art and Wellness Enterprises
Assistant Director for Clinical Faculty Development
RANGE: $52,702 - $96,140
Alice L. Walton School of Medicine
Assistant Director for Clinical Faculty Development
RANGE: $52,702 - $96,140
Chamberlain University
Pediatric Clinical Faculty (Part Time): Little Rock, AR
RANGE: $66,768 - $106,926
Southern College Of Optometry
Clinical Faculty
RANGE: $107,624 - $135,033
University of Arkansas
Adjunct Faculty
RANGE: $53,101 - $99,298
University of Arkansas
Associate Degree Nursing Faculty
RANGE: $58,431 - $90,938
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