Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
Cushman & Wakefield
Deal Desk Specialist
RANGE: $38,811 - $47,039
Planet Professional
Deal Desk Specialist
RANGE: $66,885 - $83,985
Deal Desk Specialist
RANGE: $74,133 - $92,336
Deal Desk Specialist
RANGE: $51,781 - $65,054
Sales Compensation & Deal Desk Specialist
RANGE: $113,599 - $134,115
Conversant Group
Deal Desk Representative
RANGE: $64,673 - $78,165
Deal Desk Manager
RANGE: $97,197 - $123,114
Yaddala Consulting
Deal Desk Project Manager
RANGE: $116,059 - $139,218
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