Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
U.S. House of Representatives
Digital Assistant
RANGE: $103,247 - $134,546
Cumulus Media Inc.
Digital Assistant
RANGE: $109,700 - $142,955
Digital Operations Assistant
RANGE: $134,890 - $169,272
Crowd Surf
Digital Marketing Assistant
RANGE: $74,984 - $96,450
Digital Advertising Assistant
RANGE: $78,874 - $95,401
Digital Marketing Assistant
RANGE: $75,302 - $96,860
Digital Marketing Assistant
RANGE: $86,446 - $111,194
Online Digital Assistant
RANGE: $48,894 - $67,196
The Walt Disney Company
Executive Assistant (Digital Marketing)
RANGE: $93,456 - $126,615
Children's Museum of South Dakota
Digital Content Assistant
RANGE: $66,339 - $82,950
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Explore JobArchitectBelow are the most recent Digital Assistant salary reports. Employer name has been removed to protect anonymity.