Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
J&R Marketing
Digital Specialist
RANGE: $88,459 - $111,465
Jefferson Capital Systems
Digital Specialist
RANGE: $48,399 - $61,044
Jefferson Capital
Digital Specialist
RANGE: $48,399 - $61,044
Access Dubuque
RANGE: $74,037 - $94,379
LNP Media Group Inc
Digital Specialist
RANGE: $81,942 - $104,672
The Sampson House
Digital Specialist
RANGE: $70,479 - $90,099
Clearwave Fiber
Digital Specialist
RANGE: $74,029 - $93,225
SPS-North America
Digital Specialist
RANGE: $84,266 - $106,319
LanceSoft, Inc.
Digital Specialist
RANGE: $84,312 - $111,530
Omni Inclusive
Digital Operations - Digital Marketing Specialist
RANGE: $91,580 - $115,397
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Explore JobArchitectBelow are the most recent Digital Specialist salary reports. Employer name has been removed to protect anonymity.