Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
Intellectt Inc
Lab Technician
RANGE: $52,219 - $64,787
Hired by Matrix, Inc
Lab Technician
RANGE: $50,868 - $63,111
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Lab Technician
RANGE: $62,437 - $77,999
Lab Technician
RANGE: $85,406 - $106,870
DuPont de Nemours, Inc.
RANGE: $50,772 - $63,889
Cabot Creamery
Lab Technician
RANGE: $48,585 - $60,279
Harris County
Serology/DNA Operations Technician
RANGE: $75,313 - $92,797
Lab Courier - Biotech/DNA Sequencing
RANGE: $49,264 - $60,927
Diedre Moire
Lab Maintenance Technician
RANGE: $49,894 - $62,083
Aspen Dental
Dental Lab Technician Trainee
RANGE: $41,896 - $50,300
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