Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
Preceptor Point
PAID Doctor of Nursing Practice Preceptor
RANGE: $74,580 - $96,553
Royal Caribbean Group
RANGE: $177,300 - $246,076
Medicine Wheel Clinic
RANGE: $202,274 - $256,903
RANGE: $190,255 - $232,253
EviDent Alliance
RANGE: $139,563 - $176,417
Strategic Education Inc.
Assistant Professor (Full-Time), Doctor of Nursing Practice, FlexPath & GuidedPath
RANGE: $59,169 - $105,528
Heart + Paw
Partner Doctor
RANGE: $66,357 - $103,412
Heart + Paw
Associate Doctor
RANGE: $115,681 - $159,159
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Explore JobArchitectBelow are the most recent Doctor Of Nursing salary reports. Employer name has been removed to protect anonymity.