Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
Ability Beyond Barriers
Direct Support Prof. (Castlewood/FB #7, 3rd shift)-40/hrs.
RANGE: $47,122 - $61,687
Horry County Disabilities & Special Needs
Direct Support Prof. (Castlewood/FB #7, 3rd shift)-40/hrs.
RANGE: $30,280 - $35,845
ComForCare Home Care - Fairfax & Loudoun County
Babysitters on FB
RANGE: $47,090 - $60,916
Merchandiser - FB
RANGE: $66,597 - $90,588
F-L Management Inc
FB Cooks
RANGE: $37,077 - $46,152
Living Room LA
FB Manager
RANGE: $77,284 - $111,469
Westgate Resorts
FB Host
RANGE: $25,548 - $31,702
Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino
FB Attendant
RANGE: $54,626 - $74,671
ComForCare Home Care - Fairfax & Loudoun County
CaregiversPCACNAHHA on FB
RANGE: $36,077 - $42,601
Westgate Resorts
FB Attendant
RANGE: $60,764 - $80,564
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