Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
South San Antonio Independent School District
Language and Literacy Coordinator
RANGE: $55,970 - $98,302
Boerne ISD
Elementary Reading Language Arts Coordinator
RANGE: $43,955 - $68,327
Certified English Language Learners Coordinator
RANGE: $58,512 - $107,164
Bridgeport ISD
25-26 Reading Language Arts and Social Studies Coordinator
RANGE: $48,619 - $73,390
Clear Creek ISD
Curriculum Coordinator – Elementary Spanish Language Arts and Secondary World Languages and Cultures
RANGE: $43,494 - $73,727
Central Maine Medical Center
Language Services Program Coordinator
RANGE: $60,913 - $80,485
Language Services Coordinator
RANGE: $64,372 - $85,845
Big Stone Therapies, Inc.
Language Pathway Coordinator
RANGE: $67,534 - $81,892
Ideal System Solutions, Inc.
English Language Coordinator
RANGE: $57,281 - $77,318
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