Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
Arkansas Central Primary Care PLLC
RANGE: $72,064 - $89,502
Diehl CDJR of Butler
Phone Operator
RANGE: $37,899 - $47,447
Five Star Call Centers
Phone and Chat Specialist
RANGE: $117,752 - $153,944
Dispatcher - Phone Attendant
RANGE: $58,842 - $79,318
A Place For Mom
Outbound Phone Sales Specialist
RANGE: $82,860 - $112,801
Apetek Computers
Cell Phone Technician
RANGE: $71,100 - $90,394
Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists
Phone Center Representative
RANGE: $39,194 - $49,388
Arkansas Urology
Phone Triage Nurse
RANGE: $95,124 - $125,610
Franciscan Health
Registered Nurse Phone Triage
RANGE: $79,323 - $97,771
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