Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
The California State University
Piano Technician Pool - (Piano Technician) - College of Liberal and Creative Arts
RANGE: $58,661 - $78,047
Illinois Wesleyan University
Piano Technician
RANGE: $58,604 - $79,119
The California Conservatory of Music
Piano Teacher
RANGE: $71,887 - $132,715
Happy Sound Music
Piano Instructor
RANGE: $66,643 - $111,492
US Music Lessons
Piano Teacher
RANGE: $61,519 - $113,575
Symphony 9 School
Piano Instructor
RANGE: $63,295 - $116,853
Piano Teacher
RANGE: $46,033 - $77,119
Ensemble Performing Arts
Part-Time Piano Teacher - Pacific Piano School
RANGE: $73,206 - $133,958
Piano Tuner/Technician
RANGE: $53,549 - $71,139
Traveling Music Lessons
Private Piano Instructor
RANGE: $61,404 - $113,363
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