Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
RN Coordinator
RANGE: $75,969 - $95,877
Medical City Plano
RANGE: $75,969 - $95,877
Seton Medical Center Harker Heights
Quality Coordinator RN / RN Quality
RANGE: $75,075 - $94,436
UT Health East Texas
Clinical Coordinator / RN OR
RANGE: $77,694 - $96,234
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Outpatient Clinical Coordinator RN
RANGE: $130,091 - $173,018
Children's Health
Care Coordinator RN
RANGE: $99,834 - $134,427
Clyde W. Cosper Texas State Veterans Home
RN MDS Coordinator
RANGE: $74,074 - $92,060
Care Coordinator RN
RANGE: $81,135 - $105,036
The Edge Group
RN Clinical Trials Coordinator
RANGE: $77,611 - $101,086
The Hillcrest of North Dallas
MDS Coordinator RN or LVN
RANGE: $73,483 - $88,422
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