Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
Western Nevada College
Science Lab Coordinator/Instructor
RANGE: $58,963 - $107,264
Western Nevada College
Instructor, Computer Science/Information Technology
RANGE: $60,109 - $114,281
Truckee Meadows Community College
EMS / Fire Science Instructor, Tenure-Track
RANGE: $79,323 - $134,818
Exotics Racing School
RANGE: $67,505 - $126,959
Iowa Central Community College
Instructor, Science
RANGE: $55,589 - $105,592
Science Instructor
RANGE: $64,340 - $112,420
Missouri Military Academy
Instructor, Science
RANGE: $67,136 - $110,403
Southern WV Community and Technical College
Instructor of Science
RANGE: $51,425 - $97,681
Success Academy
Science Instructor
RANGE: $47,619 - $75,517
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