Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
The Hill Group
Service Dispatcher
RANGE: $51,503 - $64,371
Summers of Marion Inc.
Customer Service Representative - Dispatcher
RANGE: $35,800 - $43,225
Legacy Heating & Air Conditioning
Dispatcher/Customer Service Representative
RANGE: $48,718 - $61,240
All Pro Heating, Air and Plumbing
Dispatcher/Customer Service
RANGE: $50,807 - $63,865
Summers North
Customer Service Representative / CSR / Dispatcher
RANGE: $35,800 - $43,225
Altom Transport
RANGE: $49,905 - $62,644
Glass Doctor of Crown Point
RANGE: $51,083 - $64,123
Williams Comfort Air
RANGE: $49,854 - $62,579
Schneider National Inc
RANGE: $47,599 - $59,749
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