Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
The Twin Doctors and Women's Healthcare Group of...
Social Media Specialist
RANGE: $77,022 - $98,198
Paid Social Media Specialist
RANGE: $85,179 - $112,729
The Chefs' Warehouse
Social Media Specialist
RANGE: $81,447 - $103,840
BALANI Custom Clothiers
Social Media Specialist
RANGE: $81,447 - $103,840
Cosmetic Physician Partners
Marketing & Social Media Specialist
RANGE: $79,162 - $104,422
Social Media Specialist
RANGE: $81,137 - $103,444
JumpFly, Inc.
Social Media Account Specialist
RANGE: $97,658 - $125,184
Kyyba Inc
Social Media Marketing Specialist
RANGE: $77,721 - $99,089
The Judge Group
Social Media Specialist
RANGE: $81,447 - $103,840
Christian Community Health Center
Social Media Digital Marketing Specialist
RANGE: $81,447 - $103,840
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