Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
All-Safe Industrial Services, Inc.
Tool Room Coordinator
RANGE: $41,107 - $50,606
Tool Coordinator
RANGE: $62,389 - $76,471
Central Consolidated Inc.
Tool Coordinator
RANGE: $64,425 - $80,034
Tool Maker
RANGE: $76,655 - $90,096
Better Service Technology
Tool Maker
RANGE: $46,392 - $56,559
The Home Depot
Repair and Tool Technician
RANGE: $46,516 - $58,273
State of South Carolina
Machine Tool Instructor
RANGE: $58,926 - $75,341
Modineer Company
Tool and Die Associate
RANGE: $59,427 - $72,841
Otis Worldwide Corporation
Tool Technician (1st Shift)
RANGE: $46,935 - $59,313
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