Supervise and evaluate the performance of staff assigned to campus including assistant principal(s), teacher(s), counselor(s), librarian(s) nurse, instructional aides, clerical support staff, cafeteria staff, and custodians.
September 18, 2022
Demonstrate executive functions such as planning, organizing, remembering, and regulating information and behavior as they pertain to student performance and achievement.
December 07, 2022
Support excellent instruction in all grades and subject areas through regular observations, both announced and unannounced, and provide high quality, specific feedback.
February 02, 2023
Assists in the planning, implementation and operation of successful and creative before and after school programs, summer programs including Camp Zone, specialty camps, and all other local and national enrichment / ancillary programs.
March 01, 2023
Provide leadership to ensure high standards of instructional service, including RtI, PBIS, MO Learning Standards, Instructional Technology, classroom management strategies, etc.
March 14, 2023
Develop and set annual campus performance objectives for each of the Academic Excellence Indicators using the campus planning process and site-based decision-making committee.
April 14, 2023
Assist in organizing and promoting the public relations and development program for the school.
April 17, 2023