Reviews fire protection and prevention related policies and procedures disseminated to installation activities to ensure they provide commensurate guidance for fire prevention, fire fighting, and aircraft crash/fire/rescue activities.
July 20, 2022
Assist senior staff in the review of grants, cooperative agreements, and/or interagency agreements activities related to the initiation, administration, and/or close out of grants, cooperative agreements, and/or interagency agreements (IAGs).
October 28, 2022
Plan and conduct reviews of state and regional enforcement programs and produce written and oral briefings of the reviews, participate in meetings and prepare detailed reports summarizing issues discussed and resolutions decided.
November 17, 2022
Serves as the State ARNG Environmental Program Manager with responsibility for supervising and managing the state environmental program in conformance with Federal, state, and local rules and regulations.
January 27, 2023
Developing the compliance strategy for the environmental requirements of each rulemaking in compliance with the NEPA, President's Council on Environmental Quality regulations, Endangered Species Act (ESA), Magnuson-Stevens Act, Essential Fish Habitat (EFH), Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), and Executive Orders.
March 18, 2023
Required documents will also be accepted by mail and must be received by the closing date of the announcement.
March 24, 2023
Provides program management and consultation on key program areas such as drinking water, hazardous waste management, asbestos and hazardous building materials management, and environmental restoration.
March 25, 2023
Manages the Agency's Army-wide fire prevention/fire protection programs, to include Research and development laboratories, Training, Firefighting, Hazardous Materials, Confined Space, and Rescue Programs.
March 29, 2023
Demonstrate compliance to Information Protection DOE requirements by developing, executing, and documenting an information protection plan for BPMI.
April 06, 2023
Responding to various priority alarm notifications, such as burglary and fire alarms, by initiating outbound calls to customer contacts and emergency responders in accordance within established procedures.
May 04, 2023