How much does a Mig /Tig Welder IV make in VT?
As of March 01, 2025, the average annual salary for a Mig /Tig Welder IV in Vermont is $74,290. According to, salaries can range from a low of $57,096 to a high of $97,215, with most professionals earning between $65,290 and $86,290.
How much does a Mig /Tig Welder IV make by hour, week, month, and year? provides you with accurate and diversified Mig /Tig Welder IV salary data based on specialized databases to help you get a fairer salary.
Click the switch button below to see more details about Mig /Tig Welder IV hourly pay, weekly pay, monthly pay and so on.
Last Updated on March 01, 2025
Annual Salary |
Monthly Pay |
Weekly Pay |
Hourly Wage |
75th Percentile |
$87,964 |
$7,330 |
$1,692 |
$42 |
Average |
$75,709 |
$6,309 |
$1,456 |
$36 |
25th Percentile |
$66,475 |
$5,540 |
$1,278 |
$32 |
Last Updated on March 01, 2025
How Does Experience Level Affect a Mig /Tig Welder IV's Salary?
An entry-level Mig /Tig Welder IV with under 1 year experience makes about $69,372.
With less than 2 years of experience, a mid-level Mig /Tig Welder IV makes around $70,038.
After 2-4 years, the Mig /Tig Welder IV pay rises to about $71,104.
Those senior Mig /Tig Welder IV with 5-8 years of experience earn roughly $74,609, and those Mig /Tig Welder IV having 8 years or more experience are expected to earn about $79,570 on average.
Levels |
Salary |
Entry Level Mig /Tig Welder IV
Intermediate Level Mig /Tig Welder IV
Senior Level Mig /Tig Welder IV
Specialist Level Mig /Tig Welder IV
Expert Level Mig /Tig Welder IV
0 yr
< 2 yrs
2-4 yrs
5-8 yrs
> 8 yrs
Last Updated on March 01, 2025
Entry Level
Mid Level
Senior Level
Top Level
View as graph
View as table
Last Updated on March 01, 2025
View Mig /Tig Welder IV Pay Difference by Location
Mig /Tig Welder IV salary varies from city to city.
Compared with national average salary of Mig /Tig Welder IV, the highest Mig /Tig Welder IV salary is in San Francisco, CA, where the Mig /Tig Welder IV salary is 25.0% above.
The lowest Mig /Tig Welder IV salary is in Miami, FL, where the Mig /Tig Welder IV salary is 3.5% lower than national average salary.
City, State |
Price |
Compared to national average |
San Francisco, CA
$94,690 |
Washington, DC
$84,290 |
Miami, FL
$73,090 |
Chicago, IL
$79,490 |
Boston, MA
$84,890 |
New York, NY
$88,490 |