Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
Claims Examiner- Professional Claims
RANGE: $61,944 - $76,046
Divisions Maintenance Group
Claims Professional
RANGE: $61,875 - $71,570
Admiral Insurance Group (a Berkley Company)
Claims Superintendent - Professional Liability
RANGE: $60,491 - $72,522
New Mexico Mutual Casualty Company
Claims Adjuster Professional Trainee
RANGE: $56,275 - $67,412
Westfield Specialty Insurance
Professional Liability Claims Handler
RANGE: $60,009 - $72,415
Claims Examiner- Professional
RANGE: $68,269 - $83,811
Claims Examiner- Professional Lines
RANGE: $68,791 - $84,451
Property/Casualty Claims Professional
RANGE: $51,179 - $61,248
Insurance Relief
Property and Casualty Claims Professional
RANGE: $84,364 - $105,213
SFM Companies (SFM Mutual Insurance)
Claims Professional - Workers' Compensation
RANGE: $57,610 - $66,778
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Explore JobArchitectBelow are the most recent Claims Professional salary reports. Employer name has been removed to protect anonymity.