Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
Enclave Enterprise LLC
Digital Marketing Specialist
RANGE: $88,839 - $115,295
Townsquare Ignite
Digital Sales Specialist
RANGE: $83,821 - $105,621
Microsoft Power Platform Community
Digital Enterprise Sales Specialist
RANGE: $90,503 - $133,605
IRONCLAD Marketing
Digital Marketing Specialist
RANGE: $80,598 - $102,956
CORA Physical Therapy
Digital Health Specialist - Physical Therapist (Remote)
RANGE: $101,205 - $123,517
CORA Physical Therapy
Digital Health Specialist - Remote Physical Therapist
RANGE: $101,205 - $123,517
Expert Seekers Training
Digital Sales Representative
RANGE: $77,514 - $114,490
North Pointe Strategies
Digital Sales & Marketing Consultant
RANGE: $89,880 - $117,967
IRONCLAD Marketing
Digital Content Writer
RANGE: $76,534 - $93,870
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