Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
Dhara Consulting Group
eLearning Specialist
RANGE: $68,065 - $86,449
ERAUINC Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ Inc.
Flight eLearning Specialist
RANGE: $89,468 - $120,308
eLearning Support and QA Specialist
RANGE: $119,168 - $146,975
eLearning and Instructional Design Specialist
RANGE: $71,426 - $89,614
Extra Help - CAPE eLearning Specialist - PROWD Grant
RANGE: $40,427 - $54,720
University of Illinois Springfield
Extra Help - CAPE eLearning Specialist - PROWD Grant
RANGE: $67,388 - $88,305
Marcomm Inc
eLearning Developer
RANGE: $97,695 - $126,457
C4 Technical Services
eLEARNING Developer
RANGE: $77,589 - $97,880
ELearning Designer
RANGE: $99,576 - $122,878
WeCare Medical Specialty Group
eLearning Developer
RANGE: $95,913 - $120,781
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Explore JobArchitectBelow are the most recent Elearning Specialist salary reports. Employer name has been removed to protect anonymity.