Company | average base salary in (usd) | range |
Physician Office Specialist/Receptionist
RANGE: $44,969 - $56,856
Mayo Clinic Healthcare
Physician Office Specialist I
RANGE: $46,902 - $59,301
AnMed Health
Physician Practice Medical Office Specialist
RANGE: $44,414 - $55,738
Physician Office Specialist - Dublin - Position Starting at $16.51/hr
RANGE: $48,638 - $61,495
Roper St. Francis Healthcare
Physician Office Specialist - Certified Medical Assistant - Orthopedics
RANGE: $36,446 - $44,776
Broward Health North
Physician Office Specialist - BHN - FT - 16837
RANGE: $86,648 - $112,416
Broward Health Physician Group
Physician Office Specialist - BHPG - FT - BHPG - 16800
RANGE: $152,202 - $220,492
Broward Health
Physician Office Specialist - BHPG - FT - BHPG - 16800
RANGE: $86,648 - $112,416
Roper St. Francis Healthcare
Physician Office Specialist or Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) - Bariatric & Metabolic - Multiple
RANGE: $35,662 - $43,476
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Explore JobArchitectBelow are the most recent Physician Office Specialist salary reports. Employer name has been removed to protect anonymity.