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How much does a Strategic Planning Analyst V make in Santa Clara, CA?

As of March 01, 2025, the average annual salary for a Strategic Planning Analyst V in Santa Clara, CA is $220,514. According to Salary.com, salaries can range from a low of $186,260 to a high of $262,463, with most professionals earning between $202,584 and $242,472.

Strategic Planning Analyst V Salaries by Percentile
75th Percentile $193,205 $16,100 $3,715 $93
Average $175,709 $14,642 $3,379 $84
25th Percentile $161,422 $13,452 $3,104 $78

Average Salary

25% $202,584 10% $186,260 90% $262,463 75% $242,472 $220,514 50%(Median) Didn’t find job title? Click
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How much does a Strategic Planning Analyst V make by hour, week, month, and year?

Salary.com provides you with accurate and diversified Strategic Planning Analyst V salary data based on specialized databases to help you get a fairer salary. Click the switch button below to see more details about Strategic Planning Analyst V hourly pay, weekly pay, monthly pay and so on.

Last Updated on March 01, 2025
Last Updated on March 01, 2025
Levels Salary
Entry Level Strategic Planning Analyst V $212,390
Intermediate Level Strategic Planning Analyst V $213,734
Senior Level Strategic Planning Analyst V $214,272
Specialist Level Strategic Planning Analyst V $216,961
Expert Level Strategic Planning Analyst V $219,112
$212,390 0 yr
$213,734 < 2 yrs
$214,272 2-4 yrs
$216,961 5-8 yrs
$219,112 > 8 yrs
Last Updated on March 01, 2025
Entry Level 21%
Mid Level 22%
Senior Level 22%
Top Level 23%
Experienced 25%
View as graph
Last Updated on March 01, 2025

Job Openings of Strategic Planning Analyst V

Salary.com job board provides millions of Strategic Planning Analyst V information for you to search for. Click on search button below to see Strategic Planning Analyst V job openings or enter a new job title here.

Cost of Living In Santa Clara, CA

Cost of Living in Santa Clara , CA is
78.0% Higher
than the National Average
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Best-Paid Skills and Qualifications for Strategic Planning Analyst V

What skills does a Strategic Planning Analyst V need?

Each competency has five to ten behavioral assertions that can be observed, each with a corresponding performance level (from one to five) that is required for a particular job.


Strategic Planning: Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy. Strategic planning became prominent in corporations during the 1960s and remains an important aspect of strategic management. It is executed by strategic planners or strategists, who involve many parties and research sources in their analysis of the organization and its relationship to the environment in which it competes. Strategy has many definitions, but generally involves setting strategic goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources). The senior leadership of an organization is generally tasked with determining strategy. Strategy can be planned (intended) or can be observed as a pattern of activity (emergent) as the organization adapts to its environment or competes.


Market Research: Market research is an organized effort to gather information about target markets or customers. It is a very important component of business strategy. The term is commonly interchanged with marketing research; however, expert practitioners may wish to draw a distinction, in that marketing research is concerned specifically about marketing processes, while market research is concerned specifically with markets. Market research is one of the main factors used in maintaining competitiveness over competitors. Market research provides important information which helps to identify and analyze the needs of the market, the market size and the competition. Market-research techniques encompass both qualitative techniques such as focus groups, in-depth interviews, and ethnography, as well as quantitative techniques such as customer surveys, and analysis of secondary data. Market research, which includes social and opinion research, is the systematic gathering and interpretation of information about individuals or organizations using statistical and analytical methods and techniques of the applied social sciences to gain insight or support decision making.


Product Development: Overseeing the creation of new products or improvement of the performance, cost, or quality of existing products to achieve business goals.

Strategic Planning 14.23%
Market Research 0.96%
Product Development 0.82%
Others 83.99%
View as Table
What skills can make your compensation higher?
Mastering certain skills can make the compensation of a Strategic Planning Analyst V higher. Salary.com's Real-time Job Posting Salary Data provides you the latest highly compensated skills to help you get a higher pay. For example, if you master Forecasting, you can get a 17% salary raise. If you are good at Market Research, your salary will increase by 15%. If you are expert in Product Development, your salary will rise by 14%.
Skill Salary Demand
Market Research
Product Development
Communication Skills
Critical Thinking
Business Development
Last Updated on March 01, 2025

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Salary.com salary estimates, histograms, trends, and comparisons are derived from both employer job postings and third-party data sources. We also provide multiple percentiles of salary information for your reference, click here to know Why the Salary Midpoint Formula Is Crucial to Getting Pay Equity Right. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, Salary.com helps you determine your exact pay target.

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The average salary for a Strategic Planning Analyst V is $220,514 per year in Santa Clara, CA, updated at March 01, 2025.
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