Skills & Competencies for Control & Instrument Engineer II

Control & Instrument Engineer II job profile

JOB SUMMARY for Control & Instrument Engineer II

Designs, installs, optimizes, and adapts electronic control systems and instruments to automate and monitor industrial processes.

JOB RESPONSIBILITIES for Control & Instrument Engineer II

Develops technical designs, process diagrams, SCADA block diagrams, and control schematics to implement automation controls. Configures systems using PLC and HMI techniques. Models, tests, and measures output and data to analyze performance or quality issues and develop solutions.

Control & Instrument Engineer II SALARY RANGE

BASE 50%
Job Level
Job Code
Bachelor's Degree
Reports To

Control & Instrument Engineer II Skills and Competencies List

Proficiency Levels and Behavioural Indicators identifies five increasing levels of proficiency for each skill/competency. Some jobs require only a relatively low level of proficiency in each skill/competency, while other jobs will require a more advanced level of proficiency in the same skill/competency. These levels rate the degree of proficiency (skill level, expertise) we expect the incumbent to perform in the given skill/competency for the given job. Note that we intentionally do not associate timeframes or years of experience in performing the skill/competency because that can be misleading. Proficiency levels identify what the incumbent knows and can do rather than how long they have been doing it. Also, note that the proficiency levels are cumulative, e.g., a level 4 proficiency implies the ability to perform all the behaviors at the lower levels.
Check each Control & Instrument Engineer II skill and competencie below to view definitions.

12 hard skills or competencies (industry competencies) for Control & Instrument Engineer II

1 Industry Competency – Engineering Analysis
Proficiency Level -2
Skill definition-Applying analytic principles and methods to identify the properties and state of a system, device, or mechanism.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Describes the key elements of engineering analysis in solving specific problems or issues.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Assists in project planning and analysis to identify opportunities and needs.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Checks project data and resources for engineering analysis to determine specifications.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Collaborates with cross-functional teams to assess and resolve complex engineering analysis issues.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Constructs process solutions based on data analysis and evidence to identify system barriers.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
2 Industry Competency – Root Cause Analysis
Proficiency Level -2
Skill definition-Identifying and analyzing the causes of issues to reduce recurrence using problem-solving techniques.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Describes the concepts and benefits of root cause analysis in process improvement.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Collects data for investigations and troubleshooting processing issues for root cause analysis.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Guides the data collection and review process to support the root cause analysis operations.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Improves and updates the fundamental nature of systems and procedures based on the root cause analysis results.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Designs corrective action plan to notify and solve principal customers with major issues.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
3 Control & Instrument Engineer II - Skill and Competency
Proficiency Level - 3
4 Skill and Competency - Control & Instrument Engineer II
Proficiency Level - 4
5 Competency for - Control & Instrument Engineer II
Proficiency Level - 5

1 general skill or competency (Job family competency) for Control & Instrument Engineer II

1 Job Family Competencies – Programming
Proficiency Level -2
Skill definition-Executing logic to facilitate computing operations and functionality in one or more languages.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Cites ways how to code instructions using programming languages.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Documents updates of all programs for internal and external reference.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Ensures adherence to programming standards by checking and fixing problem codes.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Facilitates the resolution of complex issues in programming.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Develops and maintains documentation of program development and revisions.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
3 Control & Instrument Engineer II - Skill and Competency
Proficiency Level - 3
4 Skill and Competency - Control & Instrument Engineer II
Proficiency Level - 4
5 Competency for - Control & Instrument Engineer II
Proficiency Level - 5

9 soft skills or competencies (core competencies) for Control & Instrument Engineer II

1 Core Competencies – Products And Services
Proficiency Level -2
Skill definition-Knowledge of the full array of our organization's products and services including those that are created for internal customers; insight into the differentiating factors that distinguish them from those of competitors.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Collects and summarizes information and marketing materials for R&D purposes.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Discusses the potential profitability of a proposed new product.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Evaluates our business’s P/S costs and prices, and market positioning.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Establishes related procedures for product design, development and delivery time limits.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Describes the planned launch of superior products and services to stakeholders to promote enthusiasm and support.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
2 Core Competencies – Process Improvement
Proficiency Level -2
Skill definition-Analyzing and improving existing processes and workflows to minimize process errors and streamline organizational efficiency.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Describes the different models of continuous improvement used in optimizing existing processes.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Demonstrates open and accepting behaviors when new processes are implemented.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Executes new approaches in evaluating existing processes that affect workplace productivity.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Creates models and forecasts to justify and demonstrate the value of an improved process.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Articulates benefits of process improvement to drive our business in implementing change.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
3 Control & Instrument Engineer II - Skill and Competency
Proficiency Level - 3
4 Skill and Competency - Control & Instrument Engineer II
Proficiency Level - 4
5 Competency for - Control & Instrument Engineer II
Proficiency Level - 5

Summary of Control & Instrument Engineer II skills and competencies

There are 12 hard skills for Control & Instrument Engineer II, Engineering Analysis, Root Cause Analysis, Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE), etc.
1 general skills for Control & Instrument Engineer II, Programming.
9 soft skills for Control & Instrument Engineer II, Products And Services, Process Improvement, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), etc.
While the list totals 22 distinct skills, it's important to note that not all are required to be mastered to the same degree. Some skills may only need a basic understanding, whereas others demand a higher level of expertise.
For instance, as a Control & Instrument Engineer II, he or she needs to be proficient in Products And Services, be proficient in Process Improvement, and be proficient in Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

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