Skills & Competencies for VP of Enterprise Infrastructure

VP of Enterprise Infrastructure job profile

JOB SUMMARY for VP of Enterprise Infrastructure

Leads and directs the strategic design, management, and implementation of an organization’s enterprise infrastructure.

JOB RESPONSIBILITIES for VP of Enterprise Infrastructure

Oversees implementation and maintenance of enterprise-wide system tools and ensures scalability and accessibility of applications or services. Establishes and approves operating policies to mitigate risk. Develops the policies and procedures utilized in the design and maintenance of an organization’s enterprise infrastructure. Manages infrastructure costs by deploying cost-effective solutions, managing licenses, and identifying areas to implement process improvements.

VP of Enterprise Infrastructure SALARY RANGE

BASE 50%
Job Level
Job Code
Master's Degree or MBA
Reports To
Top Management

VP of Enterprise Infrastructure Skills and Competencies List

Proficiency Levels and Behavioural Indicators identifies five increasing levels of proficiency for each skill/competency. Some jobs require only a relatively low level of proficiency in each skill/competency, while other jobs will require a more advanced level of proficiency in the same skill/competency. These levels rate the degree of proficiency (skill level, expertise) we expect the incumbent to perform in the given skill/competency for the given job. Note that we intentionally do not associate timeframes or years of experience in performing the skill/competency because that can be misleading. Proficiency levels identify what the incumbent knows and can do rather than how long they have been doing it. Also, note that the proficiency levels are cumulative, e.g., a level 4 proficiency implies the ability to perform all the behaviors at the lower levels.
Check each VP of Enterprise Infrastructure skill and competencie below to view definitions.

9 general skills or competencies (Job family competencies) for VP of Enterprise Infrastructure

1 Job Family Competencies – Enterprise Analysis
Proficiency Level -3
Skill definition-Analyzing business needs and enterprise capability gaps to develop strategic solutions and identify business growth opportunities.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Explains how to use enterprise analysis software in the business field.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Selects appropriate tools and techniques to represent requirements for enterprise analysis.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Guides the team in analyzing business needs to identify potential solutions for multiple business functions.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Manages teams in providing analysis and solution recommendations for enterprise-wide strategic roadmaps.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Forecasts and adapts to industry and market trends to drive positive impacts on the enterprise architecture.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
2 Job Family Competencies – Enterprise Architecture
Proficiency Level -5
Skill definition-Conceptualizing and developing blueprints and structures to direct the enterprise architecture in achieving current and future business goals.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Documents business needs and applicable standards in enterprise information architecture.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Tracks and reports metrics to identify improvement opportunities for architecture capabilities.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Generates enterprise architecture plans using well-established frameworks and tools.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Directs the implementation of enterprise logging platform to develop architecture roadmaps.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Keeps abreast with industry and technological trends to improve the enterprise architecture.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
3 VP of Enterprise Infrastructure - Skill and Competency
Proficiency Level - 3
4 Skill and Competency - VP of Enterprise Infrastructure
Proficiency Level - 4
5 Competency for - VP of Enterprise Infrastructure
Proficiency Level - 5

10 soft skills or competencies (core competencies) for VP of Enterprise Infrastructure

1 Core Competencies – Business Acumen
Proficiency Level -3
Skill definition-Insight into our organization's business, goals, and values. Ability to design and implement initiatives that facilitate successful outcomes.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Explains our key business strategies and priorities.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Reports and communicates market and competitor status regularly to the management team.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Evaluates supply chain efficiency with an eye toward improving shortcomings.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Leverages the latest technologies and tools that enhance business analytics.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Designs and implements feedback loops to identify and promptly address business problems.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
2 Core Competencies – Information Technology Trends
Proficiency Level -3
Skill definition-Staying abreast of the emerging trends in information technology to improve business' operational efficiency and drive profitable growth.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Documents the advantages of integrating the latest technology in current business operations.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Selects and uses data analytics tools to support management in the decision-making process.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Uses advanced technologies to enhance our operational efficiency and productivity.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Monitors industry and IT trends to inform business strategies and propose new solutions.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Forecasts business and IT trends to define the technical direction of our business.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
3 VP of Enterprise Infrastructure - Skill and Competency
Proficiency Level - 3
4 Skill and Competency - VP of Enterprise Infrastructure
Proficiency Level - 4
5 Competency for - VP of Enterprise Infrastructure
Proficiency Level - 5

Summary of VP of Enterprise Infrastructure skills and competencies

There are 0 hard skills for VP of Enterprise Infrastructure.
9 general skills for VP of Enterprise Infrastructure, Enterprise Analysis, Enterprise Architecture, IT Architecture, etc.
10 soft skills for VP of Enterprise Infrastructure, Business Acumen, Information Technology Trends, Budgeting, etc.
While the list totals 19 distinct skills, it's important to note that not all are required to be mastered to the same degree. Some skills may only need a basic understanding, whereas others demand a higher level of expertise.
For instance, as a VP of Enterprise Infrastructure, he or she needs to be skilled in Business Acumen, be skilled in Information Technology Trends, and be skilled in Budgeting.

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