Skills & Competencies for Retail Scanning Coordinator

Retail Scanning Coordinator job profile

JOB SUMMARY for Retail Scanning Coordinator

Oversees item pricing and merchandise additions and deletions in the retail database(s).

JOB RESPONSIBILITIES for Retail Scanning Coordinator

Ensures accuracy of pricing data in the database and accuracy of automated pricing systems. Provides reports to management as needed.

Retail Scanning Coordinator SALARY RANGE

BASE 50%
Job Level
Job Code
High School Diploma or Technical Certificate
Reports To

Retail Scanning Coordinator Skills and Competencies List

Proficiency Levels and Behavioural Indicators identifies five increasing levels of proficiency for each skill/competency. Some jobs require only a relatively low level of proficiency in each skill/competency, while other jobs will require a more advanced level of proficiency in the same skill/competency. These levels rate the degree of proficiency (skill level, expertise) we expect the incumbent to perform in the given skill/competency for the given job. Note that we intentionally do not associate timeframes or years of experience in performing the skill/competency because that can be misleading. Proficiency levels identify what the incumbent knows and can do rather than how long they have been doing it. Also, note that the proficiency levels are cumulative, e.g., a level 4 proficiency implies the ability to perform all the behaviors at the lower levels.
Check each Retail Scanning Coordinator skill and competencie below to view definitions.

5 hard skills or competencies (industry competencies) for Retail Scanning Coordinator

1 Industry Competency – Retail Industry
Proficiency Level -1
Skill definition-Applying comprehensive knowledge of retail principles, inventory management, pricing strategies, and consumer behavior to effectively manage and operate retail businesses.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Explains how omnichannel retail provides consistent and convenient shopping experience for customers.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Follows the established merchandising guidelines when organizing product displays and storage.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Conducts regular retail audits to optimize operations, improve performance, and uphold standards.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Guides and mentors the staff in visual merchandising best practices to maintain consistent and high-quality displays.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Develops and implements new retail business models to enhance the customer experience and foster brand loyalty.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
2 Industry Competency – Retail Strategy Management
Proficiency Level -1
Skill definition-Developing and implementing retail strategies, to support the strategic decisions and actions that effectively enhance the sales and growth of an organization.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Explains how managing retail strategy correctly can improve brand awareness and increase sales.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Documents insights of retail campaigns for strategists to manage and analyze.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Communicates the retail and promotional strategies to store staff to promote the correct visual merchandising.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Leverages online platforms to manage and improve our retail operations and optimize our online presence.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Builds scalable and manageable retail strategies and platforms to compete with online giants.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
3 Retail Scanning Coordinator - Skill and Competency
Proficiency Level - 3
4 Skill and Competency - Retail Scanning Coordinator
Proficiency Level - 4
5 Competency for - Retail Scanning Coordinator
Proficiency Level - 5

3 general skills or competencies (Job family competencies) for Retail Scanning Coordinator

1 Job Family Competencies – Computer Literacy
Proficiency Level -2
Skill definition-Ability to use computers and related technology efficiently.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Explains how to install and uninstall operating systems and office suites.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Deals with saving, locating, and retrieving files in various computer directories.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Maintains the important complex office-based programs.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Evaluates software products' compliance with industry standards to ensure the absence of any issues.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Designs the appearance, navigation, and content organization of a website.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
2 Job Family Competencies – Data Entry
Proficiency Level -2
Skill definition-Transcribing information into an electronic medium such as a computer or other electronic device.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Cites examples of the techniques and approaches used to improve the data entry process.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Assists in coding and verifying materials and resources for data processing entry.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Leverages data collection tools to enter and update collected information.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Collaborates with cross-functional teams to resolve escalated errors in data entry.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Creates data entry protocols to monitor information consistency and integrity for positive business impacts.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
3 Retail Scanning Coordinator - Skill and Competency
Proficiency Level - 3
4 Skill and Competency - Retail Scanning Coordinator
Proficiency Level - 4
5 Competency for - Retail Scanning Coordinator
Proficiency Level - 5

7 soft skills or competencies (core competencies) for Retail Scanning Coordinator

1 Core Competencies – Office Support Tools
Proficiency Level -2
Skill definition-Using application software available at the desktop in creating, managing, and updating documents, manipulating large data, and generating presentations.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Cites the importance and uses of each type of Office Support Tool.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Assists in installing desktop application software.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Determines which office products can interact and how to share data.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Creates the implementation plan for planned software and platform changes.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Analyzes the evolution and future of office-support applications and technologies.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
2 Core Competencies – Attention to Detail
Proficiency Level -2
Skill definition-Executing and completing a task with a high level of accuracy.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Cites steps and tips to improve attention to detail in the workplace.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Keeps full attention when listening to understand the message.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Balances between accuracy and efficiency for different tasks or programs.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Creates and implements quality management processes for our business.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Defines possible hurdles to projects and creates strategies to deal with them.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
3 Retail Scanning Coordinator - Skill and Competency
Proficiency Level - 3
4 Skill and Competency - Retail Scanning Coordinator
Proficiency Level - 4
5 Competency for - Retail Scanning Coordinator
Proficiency Level - 5

Summary of Retail Scanning Coordinator skills and competencies

There are 5 hard skills for Retail Scanning Coordinator, Retail Industry, Retail Strategy Management, Retail Pricing, etc.
3 general skills for Retail Scanning Coordinator, Computer Literacy, Data Entry, Administrative Support.
7 soft skills for Retail Scanning Coordinator, Office Support Tools, Attention to Detail, Honesty And Integrity, etc.
While the list totals 15 distinct skills, it's important to note that not all are required to be mastered to the same degree. Some skills may only need a basic understanding, whereas others demand a higher level of expertise.
For instance, as a Retail Scanning Coordinator, he or she needs to be proficient in Office Support Tools, be proficient in Attention to Detail, and be proficient in Honesty And Integrity.

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