Skills & Competencies for DevOps Engineering Manager

DevOps Engineering Manager job profile

JOB SUMMARY for DevOps Engineering Manager

Manages and oversees the DevOps team and related projects.

JOB RESPONSIBILITIES for DevOps Engineering Manager

Designs, builds and maintains a stable and efficient infrastructure to optimize service delivery across production, QA, and development environments throughout the development lifecycle. Monitors, troubleshoots, maintains, and continuously improves building, packaging, and deployment processes. Implements automated infrastructure capabilities like backups, security tools, monitoring. Utilizes a consistent DevOps approach to improve all phases of the process and ensure end-to-end quality across functions. Knowledge of deployment/configuration management tools like Jenkins, Maven, Puppet, or Ansible. Utilizes version control tools like GIT, Bitbucket, SVN, or CVS. Experienced with network infrastructure, database, cloud and data center operations, and security protocols. Strong knowledge of Linux and/or Windows OS. Understands AWS and other services. Experience with programming and scripting with languages like Python, Perl, Bash, PHP, Java, SQL, or C++.

DevOps Engineering Manager SALARY RANGE

BASE 50%
Job Level
Job Code
Bachelor's Degree
Reports To
Director or Head of a Unit/Department

DevOps Engineering Manager Skills and Competencies List

Proficiency Levels and Behavioural Indicators identifies five increasing levels of proficiency for each skill/competency. Some jobs require only a relatively low level of proficiency in each skill/competency, while other jobs will require a more advanced level of proficiency in the same skill/competency. These levels rate the degree of proficiency (skill level, expertise) we expect the incumbent to perform in the given skill/competency for the given job. Note that we intentionally do not associate timeframes or years of experience in performing the skill/competency because that can be misleading. Proficiency levels identify what the incumbent knows and can do rather than how long they have been doing it. Also, note that the proficiency levels are cumulative, e.g., a level 4 proficiency implies the ability to perform all the behaviors at the lower levels.
Check each DevOps Engineering Manager skill and competencie below to view definitions.

7 hard skills or competencies (industry competencies) for DevOps Engineering Manager

1 Industry Competency – Software Engineering
Proficiency Level -3
Skill definition-Applying computer science and engineering principles, methods, and practices to design, develop, deploy, and maintain reliable software systems.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Explains the step-by-step procedures for developing new and enhanced software products.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Uses specific programming languages and platforms to write code and create software programs.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Works collaboratively with development teams to correct complex errors in software codes.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Trains teams on developing highly responsive user interfaces (UI) to enhance customer experience.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Keeps abreast of the latest industry coding best practices to maximize application readability and performance.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
2 Industry Competency – Mobile Application QA
Proficiency Level -3
Skill definition-Testing mobile applications for functionality, usability, and performance to deliver the best product and experience to the end-user.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Cites different types of mobile application QA strategies and their testing scope.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Assists in preparing and maintaining QA tools for mobile application testing.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Configures mobile application programs to correct defects and bugs identified during various testing processes.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Facilitates hands-on training to familiarize developers with the new mobile application testing tools.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Designs and executes optimization strategies to ensure a seamless mobile app testing process.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
3 DevOps Engineering Manager - Skill and Competency
Proficiency Level - 3
4 Skill and Competency - DevOps Engineering Manager
Proficiency Level - 4
5 Competency for - DevOps Engineering Manager
Proficiency Level - 5

3 general skills or competencies (Job family competencies) for DevOps Engineering Manager

1 Job Family Competencies – Cloud Computing
Proficiency Level -3
Skill definition-Providing on-demand computing services that allow users to store, manage, and process their data remotely.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Cites examples of public cloud computing architectures and services.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Assists in developing automated solutions using cloud-based server-less computing platforms.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Analyzes various applications and platforms to automate and orchestrate cloud computing activities.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Consults on emerging cloud computing technologies to improve our operational efficiency.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Builds security programs to elevate our security posture within a cloud computing infrastructure.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
2 Job Family Competencies – Containerization
Proficiency Level -3
Skill definition-Ability to employ the process of virtually packaging and isolating applications to allow greater scalability, availability, portability, and running consistently on any infrastructure.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Describes the concepts and principles of containerization.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Applies knowledge of containerization best practices to support our business development efforts.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Defines and implements containerization technology strategies to streamline business workflows.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Designs security solutions to prevent invasion of malicious code from affecting other containers.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Builds and optimizes application containerization and orchestration with Docker and Kubernetes.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
3 DevOps Engineering Manager - Skill and Competency
Proficiency Level - 3
4 Skill and Competency - DevOps Engineering Manager
Proficiency Level - 4
5 Competency for - DevOps Engineering Manager
Proficiency Level - 5

15 soft skills or competencies (core competencies) for DevOps Engineering Manager

1 Core Competencies – Budgeting
Proficiency Level -2
Skill definition-Applying specific policies, tools and practices to plan and prepare projected revenues, expenses, cash flows, and capital expenditures.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Compiles a list of basic issues and risks for conducting our budget processes.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Applies established guidelines for conducting our budgeting processes.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Communicates budget objectives and plans to help identify financial trends and create budget forecasts.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Anticipates organizational income and expenses to make forecasts and develop budget plans.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Adapts relevant industry trends on techniques in financial budgeting in our organization.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
2 Core Competencies – Planning and Organizing
Proficiency Level -3
Skill definition-Managing and prioritizing resources and workloads by creating well-organized plans to attain organizational goals and objectives.
Level 1 Behaviors
(General Familiarity)
Cites potential challenges and workplace issues in delegating tasks that may impede well coordinated work.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 2 Behaviors
(Light Experience)
Assists in identifying and breaking tasks into a sequence of steps for a more organized task plan.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 3 Behaviors
(Moderate Experience)
Aligns tasks and priorities with business goals and objectives.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 4 Behaviors
(Extensive Experience)
Creates programs to improve planning and organization of work to achieve business objectives.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
Level 5 Behaviors
Builds and designs organizational systems and planning tools to enhance overall productivity.
See 4 More Skill Behaviors
3 DevOps Engineering Manager - Skill and Competency
Proficiency Level - 3
4 Skill and Competency - DevOps Engineering Manager
Proficiency Level - 4
5 Competency for - DevOps Engineering Manager
Proficiency Level - 5

Summary of DevOps Engineering Manager skills and competencies

There are 7 hard skills for DevOps Engineering Manager, Software Engineering, Mobile Application QA, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), etc.
3 general skills for DevOps Engineering Manager, Cloud Computing, Containerization, DevOps.
15 soft skills for DevOps Engineering Manager, Budgeting, Planning and Organizing, Coordination, etc.
While the list totals 25 distinct skills, it's important to note that not all are required to be mastered to the same degree. Some skills may only need a basic understanding, whereas others demand a higher level of expertise.
For instance, as a DevOps Engineering Manager, he or she needs to be proficient in Budgeting, be skilled in Planning and Organizing, and be skilled in Coordination.

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