Compensation & Pay Equity Law Review

Roundup: Payroll mistakes; Regulating AI and privacy; Reverse discrimination; Gen AI at work; Salary history bans Compensation and Pay Equity Law Review

Our editor, employment lawyer Heather Bussing, is tracking legislation, cases, and analysis to give you the latest critical HR topics.

This week we're answering the questions:

  • What do you do when you make a payroll mistake?
  • Will there ever be regulation of AI that actually solves the problems?
  • Is reverse discrimination even a thing?
  • Do you want to write or edit your Gen AI for mistakes?
  • Should you ask about past salary if it's legal?
  • Is it Friday?
April 9th, 2024

You Have to Get Payroll Right

When you make a payroll mistake, admit you were wrong, apologize, and fix it. Then make sure you have procedures in place to eliminate, or at least minimize, more payroll mistakes in the future. And read this solid advice on what else to do.

April 10th, 2024

More on Regulation of AI and Privacy at Work

Unless the gridlock in Congress ends before the November election (lol), I don't see any of these bills passing before next year, if ever. And during election years, all sides are looking for hook issues to blow out of proportion and introduce legislation about. These bills tend to address the issue poorly because the people behind the legislation aren't actually trying to solve the problem.

April 11th, 2024

The Trouble With Reverse Discrimination

There will be valid discrimination cases brought by white men. But many will be based on the perception of "reverse privilege," that someone else got the inside lane that has always belonged to white men. That's not discrimination. It's progress.

April 12th, 2024

Gen AI: Do You Want to Write or Edit?

The idea of telling a computer to write the complicated thing you don't want to write is enticing. The results don't seem to be much worse than all the other corporate speak filling up our email and other channels. What could possibly go wrong?

A bunch of stuff.

April 15th, 2024

Don't Ask About Past Salary

Even if legal in your state or city to ask about past salary, don't ask about past salary. It's an easy way to reduce risk, increase compliance, and promote a workplace of fairness.

Here's a great example of how asking about past salary can end up badly.

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