Make it simple

Craft Inclusive Job Descriptions

Make your recruiting process inclusive for all qualified candidates from every background. JobArchitect™ automatically checks your job description text for hidden bias, including race, gender, and age.

Bias Check
  • Check for hidden bias: As you create or edit your job description text, JobArchitect automatically checks and flags text for race, gender, and age bias.

Alternative Words
  • Our suggestion: You can replace flagged bias words with our recommended alternative words by selecting one of the suggestions.

Custom Replacement
  • Your suggestion: You have the option to add a custom word to replace the flagged word and automatically add it to the bias check library for future use.

Are You Ready to Get Pay Right?
Schedule your personalized demo
Discover the full potential of our solution. Book a demo call today to explore its wide-ranging capabilities, including:
  • How to create salary structures
  • How to conduct pay equity audits
  • How to design incentive programs
  • How to price jobs using our market data
  • How to simplify compensation management
... and much more!
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Discover the full potential of our solution. Book a demo call today to explore its wide-ranging capabilities, including:
  • How to create salary structures
  • How to conduct pay equity audits
  • How to design incentive programs
  • How to price jobs using our market data
  • How to simplify compensation management
... and much more!

By clicking this button, you consent to receiving communications from about our products and services. In doing so, you also consent to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe via email at any time or by visiting our preference center.

Insights You Need to Get It Right

The latest research, expert advice, and compensation best practices all in one place.
Why Job Descriptions Always Matter
Why Job Descriptions Always Matter Blog
Hiring the right person for a role starts with the right job description.

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The Ultimate Job Description Checklist
The Ultimate Job Description Checklist blog
This checklist will guide you on the best practices for creating job descriptions.

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How to Win the War for Talent in Today’s Tight Labor Market
How to Win the War for Talent in Today’s Tight Labor Market webcasts
In this webcast we discuss market changes and the challenges businesses face.

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Job Descriptions and the Changing Job Landscape
Job Descriptions and the Changing Job Landscape Blog
The impact of the pandemic changed the content and meaning of every job in the economy.

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How to Manage Job Descriptions
How to Manage Job Descriptions how to
We've compiled seven tips for addressing job description management.

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It's Easy to Get Started

Transform compensation at your organization and get pay right — see how with a personalized demo.