
A Guide to Commissioned art in the World of Creative Collaborations

Written by Staff

May 22, 2024

A Guide to Commissioned art in the World of Creative Collaborations hero

The commissioned art process involves enlisting an artist to craft a unique piece of artwork. This may encompass various requests, ranging from a personalized portrait of a cherished pet or family member to custom artwork tailored for a business, and even a painting capturing the essence of a home or beloved vacation destination.

In this article, learn the concept of commissioned art, exploring what it entails, how the process unfolds, and the reasons behind individuals opting to commission artists. Discover some helpful guide that offers guidance on how to choose a commission artists, purchasing commissioned artwork, and find platforms where artists can exhibit and sell their commissioned pieces.


Understanding the World of Commissioned Art

Engaging in commissioned art entails enlisting artists to craft personalized artwork according to specific client requests. This approach enables a talented artist to give tangible form to the client's distinct vision.

When you do commissioned art, you get to be a part of the creative process. This means you are more likely to get a piece of art that meets your specific preferences.

To ensure a smooth process, it is essential to effectively communicate your ideas with the artist. It is advisable that both parties enter into a formal agreement. This contract will delineate the terms of your collaboration, outlining each party's obligations, your rights, and the responsibilities shared between you and the artist.

Exploring the Motivations Behind Doing Commissioned art

Individuals often commissioned art for diverse reasons. A prevalent motive is to acquire bespoke or personalized artwork, ranging from portraits of loved ones, pets, favorite anime characters, to specific landscapes. Such commissioned art serves as a unique gift, a treasured memento, or can even be marketed for sale.

Another motivation for doing commissioned art is the desire for artwork in specific sizes. When you find a painting you love but it is too large for the space where you want to display it, an artist can create a similar piece in a smaller size.

Besides that, some people hire artists to create artwork with specific colors. Companies and groups may want paintings or other art pieces that include their special colors and branding. Likewise, interior designers may ask for artwork in certain colors to match their clients' homes or other indoor spaces.

Understanding How the Art Commissions Process Work

To effectively commission art optimal quality and prevent any potential issues:

  • Define Your Vision

Initiating the process of commissioned art starts with precisely articulating your vision. Deliberate on details such as size, colors, subject matter, and style for the artwork. Consider the materials used as well, taking into consideration factors like durability. Seeking guidance from art experts can assist you in making well-informed decisions regarding these particulars.

  • Research Artists

When looking to commission art, explore various platforms such as Upwork, Artfinder, MadeMay, or Etsy to find the ideal artist. They possess diverse skills, including illustration, digital art, or traditional painting. Take a moment to scan the previous works showcased in their portfolios and select an artist whose creations align with your envisioned project.

  • Request a Quote

Once you identify an artist who specializes in commissioned art and appears to be a suitable match, communicate the specifics of your project and request a price estimate. Artists determine their fees based on the complexity of the project, its dimensions, and the time required. Soliciting a quote not only aids in budget planning but also establishes a transparent and equitable agreement between you and the artist specializing in commissioned art.

  • Sign a Contract

After selecting an artist for the commissioned art and finalizing the project details, execute a written contract. This formal document solidifies the commitment, outlining the responsibilities for both you and the artist. A comprehensive contract must encompass key elements such as the project description, payment structure, timeline, copyright specifications, shipping arrangements, and any expectations regarding exclusivity. A careful and detailed process guarantees a well-defined understanding and facilitates a seamless collaboration between you and the artist specializing in commissioned art.

  • Artistic Process

Once the contract for the commissioned art is signed, the artist can initiate work on the commissioned piece. Throughout the creative process, the artist must consult the project specifications to ensure the artwork aligns with your expectations. Maintaining open communication between you and the artist remains crucial for a successful collaboration.

  • Review and Feedback

Artists specializing in commissioned art usually share progress updates throughout the creation process, giving you the chance to review the work. Offering feedback early on is crucial, enabling revisions when necessary. Providing input in the initial stages helps avoid costly and time-consuming alterations once the entire project is complete, ensuring the final artwork meets your satisfaction.


Guide to Finding Commissioned Art Talent

To find the right artist for your commissioned art, follow these steps:

  • Explore Upwork's Diverse Pool

Upwork offers a diverse pool of art experts, ranging from art consultants to illustrators, digital artists, sketch artists, and painters. Take advantage of this variety to find a professional whose skills match your needs.

Create an art job post on Upwork with comprehensive details:

  • Scope of Work: Clearly outline your requirements and project details. Specify the tasks you want the artist to undertake, providing clarity for them to assess their suitability for the job.
  • Background Requirements: Upwork provides equal opportunities for artists of all experience levels. Specify the level of expertise you are seeking for your project, ensuring the applicants align with your expectations.
  • Project Length: Indicate whether the commissions are for a small, short-term project or a larger, longer-term engagement involving multiple pieces of art.
  • Budget: Set a clear budget for the project. Specify whether you will pay a fixed amount for the entire project or an hourly rate for the artist's time.
  • Review Applicants

Once your job post is live, review the applications you receive. Pay attention to each artist's portfolio, experience, and expertise. This will help you identify candidates whose work aligns with your vision.

  • Communicate Clearly

Engage with potential artists to discuss your project further. Clear communication ensures that both parties have a mutual understanding of expectations, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings during the commission process.

  • Check Reviews and Ratings

Take advantage of Upwork's review and rating system. Evaluate the feedback from previous clients to gauge an artist's reliability, professionalism, and the quality of their work. This information is valuable in making an informed decision.

Strategies for Successfully Marketing Commissioned art

Selling commissioned artwork is a unique process that requires attention to detail and effective communication. Here are some tips to enhance your experience:

  • Be Timely

Adhere to agreed-upon deadlines meticulously. Meeting deadlines showcases your professionalism, helps achieve project milestones, and enhances your reputation.

  • Communicate Actively

Maintain open and regular communication with your client. Provide updates on the progress of the commissioned work and be responsive to any queries or concerns they may have. Active communication builds trust and transparency.

  • Ask for Partial Payment Upfront

Request a partial payment, typically around 50% of the overall cost, before initiating work. This upfront payment helps cover material expenses and other initial costs. Platforms like Upwork allow you to set payment milestones aligned with project progress.

  • Seek Clarification Early

Avoid costly and time-consuming revisions by seeking clarification on the client's requirements early in the process. Regularly check in with the client, ask for specific details, and ensure you have a clear understanding of their vision to minimize the need for extensive changes later on.

  • Utilize Contracts

Implementing a contract is crucial. It outlines your obligations, rights, and responsibilities, formalizing the client relationship. When the client does not provide a contract, create one and ensure the client reviews and signs it. A well-drafted contract protects both parties and sets clear expectations.


Commissioned art remains an essential component of the art ecosystem, fostering a unique partnership between artists and clients. This collaboration results in creations that seamlessly combine personal visions with professional expertise. Even amidst the continual evolution of the art world, the tradition of commissioned art proves versatile, preserving its significance and appeal in the dynamic intersection of art and commerce. The enduring nature of commissioned art attests to its lasting value, offering individuals bespoke and meaningful artistic expressions.

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