
Best Practices and Standards for Compensation Benchmarking

Written by Staff

May 22, 2024

Best Practices and Standards for Compensation Benchmarking Hero

A company decides on how much to pay its employees through salary benchmarks. This means they base their pay packages on how much similar companies offer. Using benchmarks helps companies manage their budgets and attract and keep skilled workers.

In this article, find out what salary benchmarking is, why it is important, and how to use it to create fair and attractive pay packages for your employees.


What is Salary Benchmarking?

Salary benchmarking is more than just collecting data. It's a way to compare and adjust salaries within a company by looking at industry standards and market information. Benchmarking involves checking how much employees are paid within the company, what factors affect pay, and what the typical rates are in the market (both locally and within the industry). This helps make sure that your company's salaries are competitive.

Can Small Businesses Use Salary Benchmarking?

Many people think that only large companies benefit from comparing salaries, but that is not true. Even small businesses with tight budgets can benefit by making sure they offer fair pay. This helps them attract talented workers without overspending. Comparing salaries is useful when negotiating salaries and benefits with job candidates as well.

Big corporations, with their many different job positions and employees, can use salary comparisons as well to make sure pay is fair across the company and to attract the best employees.

Why is Salary Benchmarking Important?

Salary benchmarking is important for companies to stay competitive and keep their best employees. Heres’ why this strategy is so beneficial:

  • Stay competitive in hiring: Benchmarking gives HR teams data on what similar companies pay for similar jobs. Companies attract skilled individuals through this.
  • Attract good candidates: Offering a competitive salary or benefits package can bring in qualified candidates, making hiring easier.
  • Boost job satisfaction: Fair pay makes employees happier with their jobs. Regular benchmarking ensures salaries are fair and keep up with market trends.
  • Save money: Benchmarking helps HR understand hiring costs and produce strategies to reduce turnover, control costs, and stick to budgets.
  • Follow rules: Companies can ensure that they follow state and federal labor regulations, esp. about hours worked, equal pay, minimum wage, and taxes though benchmarking.


The Salary Benchmarking Process

Checking salaries is important for companies to make sure they offer fair and competitive pay. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Get Salary Information

Start by gathering salary details:

  • Look at what your company pays for each job.
  • Find out average salaries and trends in your industry.
  • Use online tools and databases for more information.
  • Make sure your job descriptions match those in the market.

Step 2: Analyze the Data

Once you have the information, analyze it:

  • Use basic math like averages and medians.
  • Consider using special software or spreadsheets.

Step 3: Compare with Market Trends

See how your salaries compare with others:

  • Check whether your salaries are competitive with others.
  • Look for any huge gaps.
  • Think about where your company is located and what industry it belongs.

Step 4: Set Fair Salaries

Based on your findings, adjust salaries to be fair and competitive.

What is Salary Benchmarking Best Practices?

Salary benchmarking best practices involves specific steps to ensure accurate and effective comparisons of compensation data.

Choose the right competitors and jobs

Select appropriate competitors and job roles to benchmark against. Consider companies you compete with for talent and where your employees may go when they leave. Include peers in your industry, size, and location.

Define your benchmarking goals

Clearly define why you are benchmarking. Identify which roles are critical to benchmark and what you aim to achieve through the process.

Limit benchmarking scope

Not every position needs annual benchmarking. Stagger positions based on importance and market trends. Stay flexible to adjust when roles become more critical, or skills are in demand.

Review total compensation

Do not only focus on base salary. Evaluate incentives, bonuses, and benefits to understand the complete compensation package.


Collaborate with department managers

Include department managers in the benchmarking process. They can share details about job roles and responsibilities to ensure accurate comparisons.

Use reliable data sources

Rely on reputable salary surveys and data sources to get reliable external benchmarks. Consider hiring a compensation professional for expert guidance and advice when needed.

Good salary benchmarking is important for organizations to have fair and competitive pay. It helps attract and keep talented people, ensures salaries match what others pay, and supports business goals. By using these strategies, businesses can manage to pay well and keep employees happy.

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