
Human Resources

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How to Choose the Best Data Sources for an Effective Compensation Plan

Creating a solid compensation plan helps attract, retain, and motivate employees. And to successfully do this, the first step is choosing the right data sources …

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Heather Bussing – Unpacking Pay Equity and What It Really Means for Employers

Heather Bussing has been a California employment attorney for over 30 years, has worked in the HR tech space for nearly 20 years, and is …

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How to Calculate Your Employee Turnover Rate

Turnover rate is a hot topic in HR these days, and for good reason. Understanding the employee turnover rate helps companies gauge the health and …

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Employing Proactive Pay Practices to Boost Workplace Transparency

Pay transparency is a hot topic in workplaces today. Employees want to know they are receiving fair pay.  Employers also want to ensure their pay …

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Avoid These Costly Compensation Management Mistakes Businesses Make

Have you ever wondered how you can enhance your salary? No need to worry, as even experienced compensation managers make mistakes. In this article, we …


Exploring Job Board Data as a Compensation Source

Salary surveys are the cornerstone of competitive compensation strategies, but not all surveys are created equal. In this webinar, we'll unveil the top five crucial …

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Do You Need to Invest in Employee Resource Groups

Creating a sense of belonging and inclusion for everyone is crucial in today’s evolving work environment. Companies are striving to establish workplaces where every employee …

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How to Keep Young Employees Engaged at Work

Young employees are usually the most involved in a company. Their energy and excitement can help push the organization ahead. But they have the tendency …

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Silent Signals: Understanding Quiet Quitting

Quiet quitting is the new hot workplace buzzword. But what exactly is it? And is it something employers need to be worried about? Though concerning …

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The Difference Between Nontaxable and Taxable Income

When it comes to income and taxes, most people are only aware of their obligation to pay during the tax season. But did you know …

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Coaching Managers for Compensation Talks in 2024

Managers dread that time of year when they have to have pay discussions with their employees. No one wants to tell someone they did not …

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How to Hire the Best Employees in 2024

Finding and hiring the best talent is more challenging than ever in today's job market. With so many candidates to sift through and modern technologies …

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How to Inform Employees About CEO Pay Ratio Disclosure

In recent years, transparency in how companies operate has become increasingly important. One way to achieve this is by sharing the CEO pay ratio, which …

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Looking Ahead: A Compensation Planning Guide for the Next 5 Years

With the current state of the economy, compensation planning is vital for businesses. It is time to take a deep breath, assess where you are, …

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Pay Structure Matters: How Compensation Impacts Culture

Pay is a hot-button issue that can make or break a company culture. Most people spend 40+ hours at work each week, so how they …

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Real-Time Job Posting Feedback: Making Applying Easier and More Engaging

Applying for jobs can be frustrating when candidates never hear back after applying. Candidate's experience also boosts the company's reputation. And with a good reputation, …

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Recession Paycheck: Freeze or Reward? Keep Your Business Afloat

You're running a business, and a recession hits. What do you do about employee pay? Freeze it to control costs, or keep rewarding performance to …

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Improving Employee Retention: Here’s How

Employee retention has been a hot topic for the past few years, and it is only going to get hotter. With more jobs available than …


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