6 Effective Ways to Help You Find A Job

As you reach the next stage in life, you'll find yourself searching for a job. Every time you job hunt, you may feel that finding a job is a long process. Nonetheless, it can turn out to be a pleasant experience if you know how or where to find jobs.

If you want to make your job search easier, you should make a good resume, learn to communicate, and maintain a positive attitude. Doing all these are steps to finding a job.

Whether you are looking for your first job, planning on changing jobs, or returning to work after a long absence, there are two main tasks in finding a job: knowing yourself and understanding the job market.

Here's how we can help you find a job:

1. Get to know yourself first

This question is almost always asked: "How to find a job you love?".

If you just graduated and are looking out for a first job, there are a lot of things you could worry about; how to write resumes, how to prepare for interviews, and so on. However, put that aside because the first thing you should be doing is understanding yourself deeper.

So, why do you have to undergo the process of self-exploration? Knowing what you enjoy doing, what are your skills, and what is important to you will help you find a job that suits you best.

  • Discover Your Differences

    It is necessary to first list out the difference or special skills you possess that others might not. This is done to show your position and inform the interviewers how special you and your abilities are.

  • Discover Your Interests

    It's also important to discover your own interests and understand clearly what you want and wish to develop in the future. When you follow choices you make with introspection, you will achieve career accomplishment down the road.

  • Discover Your Work Values

    What is a work value? Simply put, they define the way you work, the environment in which you work best, and what you expect to achieve from your work.

2. Use online resources

Question: Where can I find a job? How can I find a suitable job?

Answer: The Internet.

There are plenty of valuable resources on the Internet, but before you jump right into applying to jobs, do thorough research on the background of the job, company, and market. Listed below are some tips on how you can put the Internet to good use.

Check out job portals. For example, if you want to be a journalist, search on a professional website for news related jobs, such as LinkedIn. After registering, you can add your information, your skills or experience, and communicate with people in the industry to help you find a job.

3. Ask people around you

Another good strategy to help you find a job is by using your professional network. Don't be afraid to approach others, after all everyone could use a little help sometimes. Your contacts likely know and understand what you are going through and can help.

People find jobs through various means. But one of the best, yet underrated way to find jobs is asking people around you. To ease things, describe the work you are looking for and ask for advice from family and friends.

Asking your alumni networks is also great way to help you find a job and expand your network. You can seek a company's internal information through your network or ask them to recommend you a job in the company.

4. An attractive resume

The time spent finding a job largely depends on the quality of resumes you send in. Resumes play a key role in finding a job, and employers' value them highly.

Before sending in your resume, you must make sure that it attracts the attention of the interviewer. Having a general and unattractive title may make you miss 30% of job search opportunities.

According to research, when people browse through an article or resume, 90% of people focus on the title. Go ahead and summarize your qualities and jot them down.

Let your resume reflect your way of doing things in the form of storytelling. Suppose you work in a restaurant, don't say "I am a waiter". Instead, you should say, "I have served five tables at the same time in a full restaurant and received favourable comments." This reflects your ability to withstand stress; that you can handle many things at the same time, and you care about your guests.

When it comes to writing resumes, it is better to use chronological order. List your work experience starting with your recent ones (if any). Then let your employers know briefly what you have done related to the position you are applying for.

5. Various job search channels

While job hunting, you can't afford to waste time looking around aimlessly, which is why you're going to use job search channels to get you one step closer to help you find a job. Here are several channels you can investigate:

  • Online platforms

    Online recruitment is a method that has emerged in recent years and has become mainstream. The presence of online platforms is convenient as it is now possible to scheduling an interview without any hassle.

  • Career fairs

    Finding a job through a career fair is another way you can explore ideas to help you find a job. It is a great place to meet different potential employers at once. These fairs can help you network with relevant people and gather tips on what your industry values in an employee.

  • Internal recruitment

    Internal recruitment mainly comes from when a position opens in the company you currently work for. Anyone who uses this method to find a job will find themselves having a head start compared to hires from outside. Since you are already acquainted with your company culture, it would be easier for you to get the job.

  • Campus recruitments and corporate presentations

    The focus of campus recruitments is to help fresh graduates have a head start in the workforce. In these special sessions organized by the companies, soon-to-be graduates can better understand those companies.

6. Prepare for the interview

For every job that you applied, you should be fully prepared to nail an interview. It is common these days to prepare answers in advance for questions that are often asked during the interviews.

These are the things you should prepare if you want to quickly find a job:

  1. Do ample of research

    It is wise to first know about background of the companies that will be interviewing you as well as the position you are applying for. Doing a little homework shows that you are keen on getting the job will bring on a good impression.

    If you can, try to find details about your interviewer. Get to know their name or position in the company. While you're at it, you can also read the company's business objectives.

  2. Prepare quality questions

    During the interview, you should ask relevant and quality questions. You can ask about the specific workflow and arrangements after entering the job or what you can do to better contribute to the company.

  3. Dress appropriately

    Next, you must understand the company's culture and choose the right attire for the interview. The dress code for those working in a coffee shop and those working in a bank are obviously different. Anyhow, make sure that you are always presentable.

  4. Have a positive mentality

    During job hunting, it is important to maintain a courageous and never give up mentality. If things didn't work out or if you were rejected after the interview, don't fret. Every chance obtained is an opportunity to learn to be better. Staying positive is the key to help you find a job.

This marks the end of the article; we hope incorporating these tips to your job search strategy can help you find a job effectively. Happy hunting!

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