The Complete Guidelines on How to Get the Job You Want

In recent years, the unemployment pressure has increased with an ever-accelerating speed. Almost every single college graduate student is concerned about this question: "How long does it take to get a job?"

Others who are also affected include job seekers who have left their previous jobs, or unemployed people who have been struggling for a long time to get a job. The following paragraphs aim to help those eager to learn how to get a good job. The basic criteria on how to get the job you want are:

  • Do Plenty of Research

1. Research on suitable jobs

Since everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, it is only fair that you understand yourself thoroughly. Firstly, you should do some research on the type of jobs that suit your characteristics and ability. Say you are a rational person who loves to deal with data and information, who also happened to study computer science and artificial intelligence, then you may want to choose a career related to data science or software engineering.

If you are more personable or sensitive and you studied communication in college, then journalism, or writing are likely the easiest job to get you hired. If you didn't go to college but learned some specific skills, the best way to get a job is to find one that requires your expertise such as handicraft or iron-maker.

2. Research on employment availabilities

It's also necessary for you to do some research on how many more employees are still in-demand for a particular company. You also ought to know which companies are actively recruiting employees, so you don't hit a dead-end.

3. Research on job requirements

In addition to knowing what jobs you want, you should also be clear on the job requirements to know if the current skills you have are sufficient to apply for the job. If you still lack on certain requirements, you have chances to work on it by volunteering or practicing gaining some hands-on experience.

  • Decide What's Best for You

1. Choose from your interest

Next, choose 3 to 5 jobs you are interested in. Narrow it down because if you don't even like your job, there's no way you will be willing to devote time and effort to it. When unfulfillment occurs in the workplace, you'll only be able to work temporarily. This may cause you to lose your chances of getting promoted and anything else that comes along with it.

2. Make a list

From the few jobs that you have chosen, go ahead and make a connection between the employers' requirements and your skills. While you're at it, create a list of preferred qualifications for the ideal candidate that your targeted jobs ask for. List all your strengths showing strong competitiveness for the jobs and potential disadvantages that could possibly pull you back from getting hired.

3. Ask for advice

  • Sometimes, it is hard to know if the job you are interested in is well suited for your experience and skillset. To avoid getting stuck in the unknown, go and ask an experienced employee for advice. Better still, ask from those who are currently working or has worked in your targeted field. Asking someone qualified will bring you closer to how to get a job and new perspectives you've never thought of. Once you've gotten solid advice, you're ready to make your final decision on which jobs suits you best.

Put Efforts on Your Goal

1. Get the qualification(s) you need

After checking all the requirements of your targeted jobs, the next step is to check whether you meet the qualifications stated. If you are going to apply for being a commercial airline pilot, you would need to get physical exams done to meet all physical benchmarks. Subsequently, you would have to go for pilot trainings and pass all the tests to get your license. This applies to any other jobs out there; you'll need to be qualified to perform all the duties assigned and appropriately certified.

2. Fill out an attracting resume

The first thing of how to get the job is to have a resume. You need a resume as an introductory material that represents you. A good resume will include as many statements about your advantageous qualifications as possible in getting a job. It's best to list them from the highest priority to the lowest. Doing so will let your winning qualities get the attention they deserve.

In order to get hiring managers or recruiters attracted to your resume, you need to emphasise what you want them to read. These people are busy, they normally spend less than three minutes reading each resume. Hence, it's important to draw the hiring managers' attention with bolded headings and highlighting keywords to ease their reading experiences.

Don't forget to review your resume before you hand it in. Check all the details of your resume meticulously, including the exact date you attended a certain activity or the precise name of the prize you won. Otherwise, if the employer detected something off, they would think that you are lying, and you may lose your chance of getting interviewed.

  • Tips to NOT Accidentally Mess Up

1. Get Very Specific in What You Want

If you are wondering how to get a good job, the trick is always be specific. You shouldn't waste any time filling out tons of applications you aren't confident about. Rather, you should take the time to figure out the types of positions you would truly enjoy and will fully commit to.

2. Don't Just Quit Job Hunting

You may have done your research, submitted your documents and completed all important procedures, but you're still far from the finish line. You shouldn't stop hunting after applying to several jobs. Instead, keep your eyes open for other potential employers and opportunities as dream jobs can pop up at any time.

3. Network

Making use of your network may help you speed up the process of getting hired. For some jobs, a recommendation from an acquaintance is far more persuasive than a resume. Allow yourself to connect with others and make your presence known.


Follow the set of comprehensive guidelines offered above, and you're well on your way to securing a job! Now, stop asking how to get a job and start your search!

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