Social Networking for Career Success

by Staff - Original publish date: October 23, 2015

Would you study and memorize all of your friends' contact information even though you had a working smartphone? How about doing the dishes by hand despite an operational dishwasher in your kitchen? Of course you wouldn't, because both of those devices make life exponentially easier and more efficent.

Which is why taking a traditional approach to job-hunting when a host of social networking tools are at your fingertips doesn't make any sense.

So says Miriam Salpeter -- a career coach, blogger, and author of "Social Networking for Career Success: Using Online Tools to Create a Personal Brand." She is this week's Salary Talk guest and does a great job of walking Aaron and Wendy through all the different options for online job seekers and social networkers, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more. In addition to telling you some helpful tips, Salpeter also goes over what not to put on your online profiles that could hurt your chances of being hired or promoted.

So whether you're looking to get started online or hoping to perfect your online personal brand, Salpeter has a little something for everyone.

Salary Talk Podcast with Miriam Salpeter by Salary_Talk

Purchase a Book by Today's Featured Author:

  • Social Networking for Career Success: Using Online Tools to Create a Personal Brand

To learn more about today's guest: Visit Keppie Careers or follow Miriam on Twitter (@keppie_careers), Facebook (Keppie Careers) and Google+ (+MiriamSalpeter).